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When you experience a change in your hearing, it can be scary, but luckily when you encounter hearing loss, it doesn’t have to be permanent. In fact, there are few common causes of temporary hearing loss, and thankfully these conditions can often be quickly alleviated. However, that’s not to say that you won’t be scared or anxious during this process, but take solace in knowing that this condition may not be everlasting.

Reduced hearing doesn’t always have to be permanent, in many cases, your hearing can return back to normal. Here are some of the common causes of temporary hearing loss.

Middle Ear Infections

A common infection in children, ear infections can temporarily affect your ability to hear. A build-up of fluid is typical when your body is fighting an infection, but it’s this build-up of fluid that can put pressure on vital structures of the ear. Antibiotics are the typical treatment method for ear infections, but remember that it’s crucial that you finish the prescribed medication. Don’t ever stop taking the medication because you feel better, instead, ensure that you take the prescription until it is gone.

Blocked Sinuses

Allergies, the common cold, as well as sinus infections can all cause your sinuses to become blocked. Having blocked sinuses is another condition that can result in temporary hearing loss. The Eustachian tube often swells up due to blocked sinuses, which closes off the connection between the throat and middle ear. If your condition lasts more than ten days or is persistent, this may be a result of an undiagnosed allergy. Be sure to see your physician to conduct an allergy evaluation.


The use of ototoxic medicine, medication that damages the ear and causes hearing loss, is a common cause of hearing loss. In many cases, this is because the medication damages the cochlea, a vital structure of the ear. Hearing loss due to medication is more common among older adults that take medication on a regular basis. With certain medications, your hearing returns to normal after you discontinue the drug, but some can cause permanent damage. In which your hearing will not return back to normal, even after you stop taking the medication.


While the production of earwax is normal, sometimes the wax can become impacted in the ear canal. Impacted earwax creates a blockage that hinders the ability for sound waves to travel through the ear canal to the eardrum, preventing the eardrum from being able to function correctly. Due to this, impacted earwax results in diminished hearing in one or both ears. If you believe your ears are blocked due to excessive earwax, do not attempt to remove it yourself. You can make the problem worse if you try to do so. Instead, visit a healthcare professional to remove or flush out the impacted wax.

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