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While Halloween is generally a fun and exciting holiday, for children with hearing loss, Halloween can be downright scary if the proper precautions are not met and Halloween hearing safety tips are not followed. While this can go for anyone, children with hearing loss need extra consideration this holiday, so they can fully enjoy dressing up and collecting treats. Following these simple Halloween hearing safety tips can help ensure a fun and safe time for everyone involved.

• Since treat or treating generally goes on at dusk and at night, make sure your child can see where they are going. Don’t let them out of the house without a flashlight so they can illuminate the walkways as they travel from house to house.
• Besides ensuring your child can see where they are going, also be sure that others can see them as well. While a flashlight works, you don’t want that to be the only method. Have your child wear a light-up item or a few pieces of reflective tape on their clothing so that they cannot be missed.
• Never let your child go trick or treating alone, even if they are old enough. It can be easy to become disorientated at night or possibly get lost. If they are old enough, make sure they are with a group of friends who can be trusted or who are chaperoned. If they are still too young, make sure you or a trusted person is trailing close behind.
• If your child wears hearing aids, make sure you bring along the emergency supply kit or at least an extra set of batteries. The last thing you want is your child’s hearing aids to cut out during the night because the batteries have run out of juice. Also, make sure your child’s hearing aid is working properly before you hit the neighborhood.
• If your child is planning on wearing a face mask, and they wear hearing aids, make sure you do a test run either before you purchase the mask or before you go out trick or treating. Some costumes may interfere with the hearing aid, making it hard to hear. If this is the case, opt for face paint instead.

In addition, here are some helpful tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics that everyone should follow to have a safe Halloween.

• Make sure everyone has a flash-light, with fresh batteries. Don’t forget a pair of backup batteries!
• Only walk on well-lit streets. Avoid low light blocks that are empty.
• Always walk on the sidewalks, and look both ways before crossing the street.
• Make sure you are visible to others, especially at night.
• Never eat homemade food items from unknown neighbors.
• Always check your loot before consumption to ensure the package was not tampered with.
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