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There’s a lot to think about when your child goes back to school, especially now during the ‘new normal.’ Between getting everything you need together and the new COVID restrictions, it’s enough to make any parent’s head spin. Unfortunately, back to school hearing health is crucial, yet often overlooked by many.

Back to School Hearing Health: Know the Signs of Hearing Loss

According to the Center for Disease Control, the signs of hearing loss in children include:

• Unclear speech
• Delayed speech
• Appears not to be paying attention
• Doesn’t follow directions
• Says “huh” often
• Has the television volume set high

If left untreated, hearing loss can severely impact your child’s performance in school and can have a negative impact on their social life. While it can be easy to mistake hearing loss or impaired hearing as a lack of attention and focus, you mustn’t assume it’s Attention Deficit Disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder and hearing loss share many of the same symptoms, so if you see these signs in your child, make sure to address their hearing health immediately. To help prevent your child from falling behind due to hearing loss, early intervention can help improve your child’s treatment options and allow them to reach their full potential.

Back to school hearing exams are necessary every year to address your child’s hearing health. While the school or your primary doctor may give your child a hearing screening, it may not be accurate. Since your child’s school nurse and primary doctor are not specialized in identifying and diagnosing conditions of the ear, it is essential to see an audiologist to get an accurate account of your child’s hearing. With the new school year upon us, now is the time to get your child to a hearing care professional to have his or her hearing health checked. If you live in the NYC metro area, contact the New York Hearing Center today to schedule an evaluation!

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