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If one has hearing aids, it is natural to question the ideal frequency of their usage to derive maximum benefit, and many may wonder what the recommended duration for wearing hearing aids is. To ensure optimal hearing and cognitive abilities, we recommend that individuals wear hearing aids throughout the day, except while sleeping or engaging in activities such as showering or swimming, as most hearing aids are not waterproof.

For individuals who are new to hearing aids, it may be challenging to wear them for extended periods at first. In such cases, hearing care providers may initially advise wearing them for a few hours each day. Here are a few additional tips that can assist you in adjusting to new hearing aids.

What is the Recommended Daily Duration for Wearing Hearing Aids?

There is no specific number for the recommended hours of hearing aid usage. However, individuals who wear their hearing aids throughout their waking hours tend to experience better results. Dr. Palmer explains that the brain struggles to listen in two ways through hearing loss and amplification systems and that the ear is the entrance to the brain. Therefore, keeping it partially closed at any time during the day would not be prudent. If hearing aids are removed for an extended period, it may become more challenging to hear than before. This is because you have adapted to a hearing-aid world, and your brain does not work as hard to compensate for hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Can Result in Auditory Deprivation for your Brain

Many individuals suffering from hearing loss face difficulty hearing sounds of different frequencies, particularly high-pitched sounds. If hearing loss remains untreated, it may lead to a state where the brain forgets how to perceive certain sounds and words, referred to as auditory deprivation.

To illustrate this point, consider the example of a baby who is born deaf. If parents aim to foster hearing, speech, and language development in their child, providing auditory stimulation as soon as possible is critical since neural synapses are still developing. This principle applies to adults as well. If the auditory system becomes deprived of sound over time, it can affect an individual’s ability to process certain sounds.

Even sporadic use of hearing aids can have similar consequences. If hearing aids are taken off for an extended period during the day, the brain adjusts to the new conditions, which can require more effort to hear or cause withdrawal from communication. These outcomes can adversely affect an individual’s ability to perceive certain sounds.

Scheduling an Appointment with an Audiologist

It is essential to understand that if you decide to resume using your hearing aids and encounter discomfort with the sound, it may require a period of adjustment. If this measure proves ineffective, we recommend seeking the assistance of an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. It is worth noting that hearing needs can change over time for anyone. An audiologist can provide the necessary support by reprogramming the hearing aids as required and by encouraging full-time usage. Contact us today if you live in the NYC metro area and are in need of assistance.

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