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The end of the year is finally here, which means the temperatures outside are dropping, and the weather is getting cold. While this can be a nuisance to anyone who hates the cold, if you happen to wear hearing aids, you will need to take extra precautions with your device. Hearing aids are sensitive devices, so when it gets cold, you should be extra cautious and take some additional steps to protect your investment. Following a helpful set of cold weather hearing aid tips can help save your investment and money.

Low temperatures can diminish your battery life and even do damage to your hearing aid if you are not careful. If you are looking to keep your hearing aids safe in the cold weather, check out these helpful cold weather hearing aid tips.

1. Exercise caution and let your hearing aid dry out thoroughly if you are going from a cold environment to a warm one. Going from one extreme to another can cause condensation within the device, so make sure you place it in a safe place to let it dry. Make sure you remove the battery and keep the battery compartment door open.
2. Anytime your hearing aid is not in use you should remove the battery and store the device in a safe place, with the battery compartment door left open so your hearing aid can dry out thoroughly. Doing so can help the longevity of your device and prolong the battery life. If you see moisture build-up, you can also give it a quick wipe with a cotton swab.
3. Ensure that you always have spare batteries on hand. Your device is no use to you if the batteries are dead, which can quickly happen in the cold. Cold temperatures can drain your battery, and pretty quickly at that. If this happens and you don’t have spares, this could pose a problem. So make sure you always have a spare set or sets with you.
4. If you can, remove your hearing aids before you do any vigorous outdoor activities, such as shoveling snow. Moisture buildup from perspiration is something you want to avoid, so make sure you wear a hat that will absorb excess moisture and sweat, rather than a hat that lets moisture buildup. Make sure the hat is made from a breathable material. There are also hearing aid sweatbands available for behind-the-ear hearing aids that will help protect your hearing aid by absorbing moisture and shielding it from dust and dirt.
5. Unfortunately, while the snow is beautiful, when people are out clearing the snow, it can get loud. Very loud, especially if your next-door neighbor happens to have a snowblower. Or maybe you are in a mountainous area, and there is a lot of snowmobile activity. In either regard, your ears are often exposed to loud noises after a fresh sheet of snow has fallen. Your hearing aid might have a setting to minimize excessive noise, and you can also reduce your chances of damage by wearing a muff-style hearing protector over your hearing aids.
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