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Typically, hearing loss cannot be fully restored, but there are many different treatments available that may help. Implants, surgery, and wearing hearing aids can help recover a large portion of your hearing, but there is also another route you can take to help improve the health of your ears and ward off hearing loss. Focusing on food and what you put into your body can significantly affect how you feel and how well your body functions. Herbal methods have been around for quite some time, as herbs are often used in food, and are known to help the body heal as well. Learning more about these herbs for hearing loss listed below might entice you to add more herbs and spices to your daily diet.

Herbs for Hearing Loss: What Can I Add to My Diet to Help Keep My Ears Healthy?

Dill– This aromatic herb has a very delicate, feathery appearance and is excellent at relieving inflammation. Dill is also high in zinc, which is vital for our entire body, including our ears. Since zinc helps boost the body’s immune system, it helps ward off colds and ear infections. Studies also suggest that taking zinc supplements is effective in treating tinnitus symptoms and may help prevent hearing loss.
Turmeric– This golden yellow spice has been utilized in India for thousands of years as a medicinal herb due to its health benefits. Relieving pain and inflammation is one of the many benefits of turmeric, but it also high in potassium, which is vital for our ears. As we age, it is natural for our potassium levels to drop, and this may contribute to age-related hearing loss, so staying on top of your potassium intake is crucial if you want to keep your ears healthy.
Spearmint– This well-known herb is most commonly recognized in gum and dental products, as many find the flavor to be delicious. The fact that spearmint has such a pleasant taste is helpful because it can have positive effects on your health. Spearmint contains a good amount of folic acid, and folic acid plays a crucial role in your hearing health. Studies suggest that low levels of folic acid are linked to age-related hearing loss, so this tasteful herb is a fun way to up your intake.
Basil– A well-known herb, basil is often used in the kitchen to spice up a delicious dish. Using basil to make your cooking more flavorful is an excellent way to up your magnesium intake. Basil is a magnesium-rich herb, and your ears rely on magnesium to function correctly. Magnesium can help prevent inner ear damage by protecting the delicate hair cells and keeping the blood vessels healthy. Increasing your intake of mineral-rich foods is essential because it may help improve your hearing health.
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