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Springtime is a welcome relief for those sick of the cold weather, but it is not without risks, as beautiful as the season can be. As the temperature rises and people venture outdoors for spring activities, only a few give any thought to the risks to hearing health as the seasons change. Exposure to loud sounds like lawnmowers and chainsaws or environmental dangers like strong winds and exposure to water can present severe threats to hearing health if proper precautions are not taken. To help you ensure you can fully participate in springtime activities, follow our handy guide for the four most common hearing health risks and tips to help you make the most of the season and protect your hearing.

What are the Most Common Springtime Hearing Health Risks?

Loud Sounds

Spring brings the warmer weather that wakes up plant life, which means gardening begins anywhere people reside. Lawnmowers, trimmers, chainsaws, and a host of gas-powered tools can create noise pollution so loud that being too close can damage unprotected hearing. If you know you’re going to be exposed to loud power tools, earplugs or earphones can help protect your hearing as you beautify your landscape.

Prolonged Water Exposure

Some of the most popular spring activities involve water. From pool fun to garden watering, prolonged exposure to water in the ear can cause issues like swimmer’s ear and infections. Using earplugs creates a barrier that keeps most water out, but not all; taking them out afterward allows the ears and canals to dry out before issues arise.

High Winds

Being mindful of your hearing health on windy days will go a long way to ensure hearing health for years to come. Strong wind gusts can cause pressure imbalances, carry debris, and cause loud sounds that can cause injury. Wearing a hat or using earplugs can mitigate most of these issues and reduce the chances of affecting your hearing health.

Debris and Contaminants

Between yard work and windy conditions, airborne particles and small flying debris are among the most underestimated risks of springtime outdoor activities. Fortunately, the same protective gear is good here as well. Earplugs, sound dampening headphones, and a good hat are your best bet to protect your hearing health this spring.

Supervising your ears and being conscious of seasonal patterns will help guard your hearing health while appreciating everything springtime offers. If you suspect any degree of hearing loss, contact an audiologist today.

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